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CLI Refiling Detection

International number manipulation

Manipulation of international calling numbers (CLI spoofing) so they appear to be from different countries attracts lower termination rates on the destination network defrauding the operator of termination revenues.

Our advanced TCG tool performs end-to-end testing to quickly identify CLI spoofing to raise cases directly with interconnect partners and relevant authorities.

  • Instant detection alerts
  • Real subscriber call origination  
  • Test from virtually any network
  • Competitive & simple pricing
  • Risk-based test methodology
  • No system integration required
  • No network CDRs required
  • Rapid service commencement

Why choose our solution?

We perform end-to-end testing from an expansive range of global network routes, which include real subscriber SIM cards, PSTN fixed-line, and VOIP.

CLI analysis of incoming calls to the operator’s network from our TCG immediately identifies number manipulation to alert the operator to fraudulent activity.

Real subscriber call origination minimises detection by the fraudsters as SIMs have regular daily usage patterns from end-user devices. Using our large network of crowd testers, we rotate testing to avoid SIMs being whitelisted.


  • Up to 50,000 tests per month
  • Testing from 1 – 12 months
  • Non-connected & connected calls
  • GSM, PSTN & VOIP event origination
  • SMTP protocol email alerts
  • Analysis report with CDR file


Whether you need a snapshot audit or a longer-term service we have got a solution ready for you.

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