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OTT Bypass Detection

Over-the-top app bypass

The popularity of OTT applications like Viber, Whatsapp, & Telegram to name a few, has seen the emergence of bypass fraud where regular voice calls and SMS are terminated on the IP application, therefore bypassing official interconnect gateways. 

Some apps will specifically feature 'In Calls' which allows the user to receive incoming calls from numbers not associated with the app. This feature is exploited by the fraudsters using the app to terminate traffic unofficially resulting in reduced interconnect revenues for the network operator.

Our unique end-to-end TCG detects OTT app termination in parallel with SIM box and CLI refiling frauds.

  • Instant detection alerts
  • Real subscriber call origination  
  • Test from virtually any network
  • Competitive & simple pricing
  • Risk-based test methodology
  • No system integration required
  • No network CDRs required
  • Rapid service commencement

Why choose our solution?

We perform end-to-end testing from an expansive range of global network routes, which include real subscriber SIM cards, PSTN fixed-line, and SIP clients.

Our system automatically detects incoming calls that terminate erroneously on IP voice and chat apps with configurable alerts to notify the operator of fraudulent activity.

Real subscriber call origination minimises detection by the fraudsters as SIMs have regular daily usage patterns from end-user devices. Using our large network of crowd testers, we rotate testing to avoid SIMs being whitelisted.

  • Up to 50,000 tests per month
  • Testing from 1 – 12 months
  • Non-connected & connected calls
  • GSM, PSTN & VoIP event origination
  • SMTP protocol email alerts
  • Analysis report with CDR file

Whether you need a snapshot audit or a longer-term service we have got a solution ready for you.

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