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Functional Testing

System specification testing

Errors in systems and components, if undetected, can significantly impact the user by returning unexpected results or at its worst impede usage of the product.

Scripted journeys and test cases help identify bugs to assure the product functions in accordance with the specification and delivers the expected result.

We use automated and manual test execution to generate events and measure the success against the expected outcome.

  • Test Plan Creation Service
  • Evidenced defects
  • Defect risk categorisation
  • Location testing
  • Real-time result reporting
  • Improved Quality Assurance

Test what the system should do

Our automated test event generator can execute test plans across a wide range of functions. The system comprises end-user devices deployed globally to test in different countries and multiple network types.

Experienced multi-national and multi-lingual testers are available to support your project through our manual crowd solution. Testing can be quickly scaled to provide full coverage and meet important deadlines.

A project manager will be assigned to understand and scope out your objectives and coordinate the testing through to analysis and reporting. This reduces your workload allowing you to focus on the results so fact-based decisions can be made on how to improve and deliver your product to market.    

  • Test Plan Creation Service
  • Video and image evidence
  • Multi-leg test journeys
  • Automated and Manual Execution
  • Location and network selection
  • End-user devices and operating systems

Contact us today to learn more about our functional testing solution and how we ensure you go-to-market successfully.

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